For any
- questions,
- stories you would like to share,
- topics you would love me to write about in the next period,
- possible collaborations, etc.
please use the form below to send me a message or contact me on email ([email protected]).
I also accept guest posts, as long as they are meet the following criteria:
- the article is related to women wellness, beauty, lifestyle, or healthy eating;
- there is no advertisment of specific products (I only promote on my blog products I personally tried and enjoy);
- the length is of minimum 1500 words;
- you include a personal description or a description of the blog at the end of the document;
- the text is grammatically correct;
- your target keyword / keyphrase is included at least 8 times in the article;
- you give permission and consent to me to make small modifications of your post, without altering the information, in order for it to be better SEO optimised or in better accordance to this blog previous posts structure;
- you assume responsibility for all images you provide. In case you do not own legal rights for those images, do not send them. I have a monthly CanvaPro subscription and I can use images from their data base to find something relevant for your post.
Thank you for your time! Wish you an amazing day and keep being amazing!
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